I asked God to give me a word, something he would have me to share. and i remembered that lyric to a song 'what's that you have in your hand.' I was aking him for a mind blowing message that will get a thousand comments (i kid!!)but having just read the story of Gideon in the book of Judges, i realized, I had something to offer, something that GOD could use to do great things like a thousand comments (maybe. lol!).
I am in a season. not a season i particularly care to be in, but there is no doubt in my mind that I am going through a season that makes me ask the occassional 'why me?' the comforting thing about 'seasons' is that they pass away, give way to another phase...

as I stood before the kitchen sink gulping down water after the error of too much pepper in my food! I looked out the window and then i saw this tree, not the one in the above picture, but one similar to it.
'a naked tree' I call it. the tree stood there in the middle of the car park displaying its nakedness, its lack...
everyone can see this tree, everyone knows that this tree is lacking, some look at it mockingly, some look with disinterest 'better him/her than me, some look with sympathy and wonder 'why is this beautiful tree going through this?'
i must say here that the word tree is a metaphor for us, for anyone in a season that seems too uncomfortable. every body knows about 'it' whatever it may be, every one is seeing you barely getting by but trying all the same; your pain can be aptly discribed by a blind man.
i say again the comforting thing about seasons, is that they give way to new ones. our hope as the sons and daughters of Big Daddy is that that which is ahead is wonderful, brighter than we can even guess or try to envisison.
we go through what we go through now, not because God does not see or he is having some kind of perveted fun at the expense of our emotions and sanity!! no, that is not the KInd of God I serve...
but this, all that you are faced with today is to produce character. let me quote this scripture i came across this morning:
"we can rejoice, too when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us-they help us learn to be patient. and patience develpos strength of character in us and helps u trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. then when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us....' ( Romans 5:3-5)
God is out to give us the best... and that does not come without its own share of challenges and diffculties.
one thing I know for sure even when i act like i don't, is that God is too faithful, too inlove with you and I to not have a purpose for what he allows us face. a purpose that works out for our highest good.
at the end of the day just like the 3 hebrew children, we will come out of this season, and people would marvel and give glory to God when we get personal and tell them just where we have been.
merry christmas.
his peace. chichi
The reason that God is allowing you to write in this proportion is that there is DEFINITELY someone out there in need of a word from God...
God uses vessels to speak to people, and I am so happy that you're in the line up...
This piece you wrote applies to me too. I am in a season right now that I am tempted to ask God, "why me?" But you see, I have come to learn that there is a story to be told...a testimony at the end thereof...
So whatever season you're in...you're in the bandwagon of the generation of Jacob (the ones who will see God face to face, and then He will change their names to names telling their testimonies e.g. Jacob to Israel)...
...the earth has been groaning for the sons of God to show up...
Thanks for this post chichi, escpecially for sharing your life through the words on this blog. They continue to be a blessing even when you do not realise.
yes o..that not the kind of father we serve...thanks for this...
merry merry christmas....
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